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I was being treated in Vienna and was very scared. UNTIL the Yad-v’Ezer family came into my life. They welcomed me so warmly and supported me in everything possible! Without Yad-v’Ezer I would be lost!

I came to treat my son. Yad v’Ezer brought him many games, supervised him and played with him.

I came to Vienna totally devastated. My whole life suddenly turned around from one day to the next! Instead of coming to work, I had to come to a strange place for serious treatment. I couldn’t speak the language and I’ve never been abroad. Even Flugtkets I didn’t know how to buy. That all changed when I came to Yad-v’Ezer. Yad-vÉzer welcomed me warmly and gave me total support!!! They not only made my treatments possible, they took care of it and managed to make it very comfortable.